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Labette Health

Donations & Sponsorships

Each year, Labette Health receives numerous requests for support from various community groups and organizations. These guidelines help to balance what Labette Health already contributes to the area communities as a not-for-profit healthcare provider.

As a community-based hospital committed to serving the needs of Southeast Kansas, Labette Health gives careful consideration to requests for monetary support as they relate to mission, vision and community benefit objectives and as outlined by the IRS Form 990 Schedule H guidelines.


Sponsorship, charitable donations and in-kind requests will be considered for events that meet the following criteria:

  • Provide direct health-related benefit within Labette Health’s primary and secondary service area
  • Are consistent with Labette Health’s mission, vision and strategic objectives
  • The group, program or event should reflect positively on Labette Health and its related entities
  • Meet the promotional needs of Labette Health. Labette Health must receive recognition of sponsorship through the approved use of its logo in advertisements and other materials such as signs, banners, t-shirts, etc.
  • Fundraising events for organizations that have close relationships with Labette Health and complement our key service lines
  • Provide positive public awareness of Labette Health and its services
  • Activities of not-for-profit organizations that promote economic development within our region
  • Organizations in geographic proximity to our facilities or within our primary service area

EXCLUSIONS (excludes monetary donation but may be eligible for in-kind donations such as giveaways, food/beverage, etc.)

  • Requests that benefit an individual or family
  • Employees, teams or other individuals in a fundraising event/activity/competition/pageant
  • Travel expenses for events/activities/competitions
  • Political parties, candidates, legislative advocacy groups
  • Capital campaigns
  • Religious organizations
  • Private athletic teams and athletic fundraising events not associated with area schools, municipalities or civic organizations
  • Field trips
  • Requests from commercial, for-profit businesses
  • Requests and/or events that do not improve the health or economic well-being of the communities we serve

Please email your donation/sponsorship requests (include the flyer and/or detailed information) to