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Labette Health

Foundation Capital Campaign

"Take me to Labette Health"

Dear Friends,

The Labette Health Foundation is proud to announce the “Take me to Labette Health” capital campaign to raise funds for the expansion and remodel of our main hospital campus in Parsons, Kansas. This is exciting news for southeast Kansas and the surrounding communities we serve. This is also part of a carefully orchestrated long term plan designed to continually improve and add new service lines to better serve you and your family.

We offer a wide array of services and we continue to look for new lines of service to make Labette Health a local, “one stop shop” for you and your family. With the changing times we must stay ahead of technology and maintain a modern and up to date facility for you, your family, and your business to receive excellent care. As one of only five level III trauma centers in Kansas, we are here for you when you need us-24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Superior Patient Care

The certificates and awards we continue to receive are not easy to come by. They are the result of many hours of planning and the implementation of new systems and processes focused on patient safety and quality standards…all guided by an interdisciplinary team of dedicated physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals working together with one goal in mind: superior patient care-Centered around you.

The Labette Health Foundation allows individuals, businesses and foundations to support the important work of healing. Your tax deductible donation can help expand and grow our main campus. Your gift to the Labette Health Foundation will be restricted to the Take Me to Labette Health campaign.

As you learn of our needs, our plans, and our commitment to continue serving southeast Kansas, join us in this exciting project. Please partner with us to expand our hospital and together we can create a legacy for healthcare in southeast Kansas.

Thank you in advance for all your support,

Robert Gibbs, MD; Foundation President

Anthony Vaughan, Foundation Executive Director

Perry Sorrel, Board of Trustees President

For specific naming opportunities, please contact Labette Health Foundation at 620.820.5243.